Strawberry Marshmallow

As a very daily snack fudge, marshmallow is suitable for all ages, sweet and soft, warming people’s hearts, even in baking it is indispensable. But have you tried homemade marshmallows?

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Strawberry Marshmallow

It is said that marshmallow (also known as marshmallow), also known as marshmallow, originated in ancient Egypt. At that time, only the royal family and the worship of gods had the opportunity to enjoy this special dessert. Originally, marshmallows were made from a sunflower plant, “Hollyhock,” which grows in wild swamps. So the source of the word Marshmallow is a combination of his own plant name (Mallow) and the environment in which it is grown (Marsh). The ancient Egyptians squeezed the sap of the plants and mixed nuts and honey.

Later, the “medicine hollyhock” was introduced to France. The French chef discovered that the mucus of the “medicine hollyhock” would form a thick gel after mixing with water, so he invented a marshmallow made by mixing the mucus of the “medicine hollyhock” with syrup, protein, and vanilla seed.

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Strawberry Marshmallow

Until now, in order to save costs and facilitate mass production, the mucus of the hollyhock has been replaced by gelatin and has become one of the main materials of marshmallow. Today’s marshmallows are made from sugar or corn syrup, stirred protein, gelatin softened with water, synthetic flavors and stabilizers.

As a result, there are currently two versions of the home-made version of marshmallow formula, one is gelatin + protein version; the other is gelatin version, and many people have also tried the protein version. The marshmallow is gelatin (gelatin) version, no fishy taste, simpler, try it ~


Gelatin tablets 15g
200g white sugar
Water 80g
Corn Syrup 150g
Vanilla extract 4g
Freeze-dried strawberry crush 5g
Strawberry Jam 15g
Natural red pigment
Corn starch amount (hand flour)

To do

①Prepare a container. You can also use any plate or box in the house. We use a square glass baking pan with a size of 189mm * 215mm * 50mm. Brush the surface with a layer of vegetable oil.
② Corn starch is cooked in advance, or fried to remove the smell of raw flour, and then sieve a layer of corn starch on the inner wall of the container to prevent sticking.
③ Cut the gelatine into small pieces in advance and soak in ice water.
④ After the preparation is done, take a mouthful of milk pan, add water and corn syrup, and finally add white granulated sugar, stir well, and cook the syrup on fire.
⑤ Boil on high heat, turn to medium-low heat, and cook slowly. Insert a thermometer during the process and cook to 115-118 degrees. Boil for another 30 seconds to 1 minute. Turn off the heat and pour into another bowl.
⑥ Add the foamed gelatine tablets while the temperature is still high, and mix gently.
⑦ After stirring and dissolving, add a few drops of natural vanilla extract and stir well.
⑧Turn on the electric eggbeater and start sending gelatine + syrup in the basin. This process requires patience. Like sending meringue, a lot of coarse bubbles will appear at first, the volume will expand, and the more you pass, the more fine and white the bubbles will be. Wait until the liquid becomes a thicker white foamy liquid, the eggbeater can be marked with a grain during the agitation process, and it has a shape when dripping, which is about the same as that of the whole egg, but it is not so stiff. Of course, if you want to eat more Fluffy and soft, please pass it to a thicker level.
⑨ Take one third of the white foam solution into another bowl and add a few drops of pink natural pigment. If you have strawberry puree, please add a bit to enrich the taste and adjust the sweetness and sourness. If not, you can add it quickly. Mix well.
⑩ After mixing, pour into a decorative bag for later use.
⑪Put the lyophilized strawberry grains in the material into the remaining foam liquid and mix well.
⑫ Take out the prepared mold (brushed with oil and sifted powder), and pour the white portion into the container.
⑬Cut a small portion of the pink portion of the decorative bag and squeeze it into the upper layer.
⑭ Finally, if you see large bubbles on the surface, gently pierce it with a toothpick, cover with plastic wrap, and set it at room temperature for 2 to 4 hours. Can also be chilled.
⑮ Sieve a layer of cornstarch hand flour after shaping, and then reverse the release in a cornstarch tray. While using cornstarch to prevent sticking, cut into pieces and serve immediately after serving.

Strawberry Marshmallow - How to cut marshmallows - Cheersonic
Strawberry Marshmallow

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