Sandwich Red Bean Shortbread

Crispy and delicious Chinese dim sum has always been in everyone’s heart. Although pastries such as bread cakes have swept China, I still prefer our traditional Chinese dim sum to most Chinese people. What I want to do today is Sandwich red bean shortbread looks more like a sandwich biscuit from the outside, but the taste is solid red bean shortbread. Speaking of red bean filling, it can be regarded as the traditional taste in Chinese dim sum, sweet and delicate, really good Eat, if you think it is troublesome to make red bean filling, you can buy ready-made products, but you must remember to choose oily red bean filling for moon cakes. This filling has less water content and higher hardness, which is convenient for us to reshape, and this formula There are no complicated opening steps, it is easy to get started, everyone can give it a try!

Sandwich Red Bean Shortbread - Cutter For Chocolate Products
Sandwich Red Bean Shortbread


240g flour
Granulated sugar 50g
Aluminum-free baking powder 3g
Salad oil 70g
1 egg (around 60g)
Bean paste 150g


① Put an egg in a clean, water-free and oil-free bowl, add 50g of white granulated sugar, use an eggbeater to mix the egg liquid at a low speed, and beat until the color is white. (If there are friends who want to exercise arm strength, you can also use the manual eggbeater!)
② While whipping the egg liquid at a low speed, slowly pour 70g of salad oil in portions to make the egg liquid and the salad oil fully blend into a thick yogurt-like shape, as shown in the figure.
③ Take another clean bowl, add 240g of all-purpose flour and 3g of aluminum-free baking powder, mix the baking powder and flour and mix well.
⭐Baking powder tips
Baking powder is a food additive, the role is to make our food softer. It is commonly used to make cakes, cakes, buns, buns, shortbread, bread and other foods. Aluminum-free baking powder is harmless to the human body, but there is also a kind of aluminum-containing baking powder on the market. The aluminum ion in this baking powder is harmful to the human body and is not suitable for consumption. So everyone must recognize clearly when buying.
④ Pour the mixed powder of flour and baking powder into the egg-liquid mixture. Stir it thoroughly with a spatula to form a flocculent shape, and then knead it into a dough shape by hand. If the dough is not kneaded well enough, it will break easily during filling.
⭐It should be noted here that the dough is not easy to knead for too long, otherwise the oil surface is easy to separate, and the dough will be very scum and difficult to form.
⑤ Roll the dough into strips, divide into 4 equal portions, and sprinkle some dry flour to prevent stickiness
⑥ Take a dough and press it flat on the oil paper to roll it into a rectangular cake with a thickness of about three millimeters. It is normal that the edges of the cake will break when it is rolled. It is normal to tidy it later.
⑦ Then come to prepare 150g bean paste stuffing. Just like the method of making bread, use a small amount of dry flour and roll it into the shape of the same bread. Here, we directly use commercially available bean paste, or we can make our own stuff if we like it.
⑧ Use oil paper to lift the filling layer and place it on the noodle cake, then roll a piece of noodle cake to cover it. Fit) Arrange the edges inward, then gently roll it flat and use a scraper to lift it on the baking tray.
⑨ Follow the above steps again for the remaining two facial preparations. Just make two cakes. After making both cakes, brush a layer of egg yolk on the surface.
⑩ Use a small fork or toothpick to draw a wavy pattern on top, and sprinkle with sesame seeds to embellish it, also to add some fragrance.
⑪ Sent into the preheated oven, turn on the heat 180 degrees, turn off the heat 140 degrees, and bake for 35 minutes. The time and temperature are for reference only, but also adjusted according to the temper of your own oven.
⑫ After cooling, cut off the edges (you can not cut them if you do n’t look good), and divide the shortcake into small pieces according to your favorite shape and size.

Freshly baked! The crust is crispy, the filling inside is just right, it won’t be very sweet, and it suits my taste! However, the filling will affect the shelf life of the shortbread. If you use the commercially available fillings to make the red bean shortbread, the storage time will be longer. But it is better to eat early, after all, the fresher the red bean shortbread the better.

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