Pumpkin Pudding Tower

In fact, pumpkin egg tarts have the same effect.

It is composed of three parts: the bottom of the tower, the pudding layer, and the decorative layer~

The previous one was made of French tart, but this time it was replaced with a lower fat banana oatmeal base.

Bananas come with sweetness, and oats are coarse grains. This kind of tower bottom is very suitable for sisters who are afraid of getting fat.

The texture of the pudding layer actually depends on the texture of the pumpkin.

Pumpkin Pudding Tower - Commercial Sheet Cake Cutter - Cheersonic

The pumpkin I use is sweet and full of moisture. The pudding part is great without sugar, and it tastes moist and delicate.

If you like the real taste, you can choose Beibei pumpkin with less moisture, or ordinary pumpkin after steaming and pounding it into a puree, and then sautéing it to dry it.

The bottom of the tower and the pudding layer are relatively low-calorie, but the decoration layer is a little indulgent. I used light cream. If you want a lower fat, you can change to thick yogurt.

To neutralize the softness of the pudding and cream, I also sprinkled coconut and lemon zest on the surface.

Don’t look at the weight, but the lemon taste refreshes with the cream bursting in your mouth. It’s a magical touch and will definitely surprise you~


Tower bottom:
Oatmeal 80g 1 banana
Pumpkin pudding layer:
Pumpkin 400g Milk 60g
Corn starch 20g 2 eggs
Top decoration:
Whipped cream 100g sugar 10g
Desiccated coconut right amount lemon zest right amount


  1. Make the bottom of the tower first: peel a banana and pound it into puree
  2. Pour 80g oatmeal into the bowl and mix it with the mashed banana
  3. Spread it on the bottom of the oiled mold and smooth it with a spatula
  4. Make the pudding layer again: Peel and wash 400g pumpkin, cut into pieces, put it in a plate, wrap it in plastic wrap, and steam it on the pot
  5. After steaming, pour into a blender, add 60g milk, 20g cornstarch, 2 eggs, and beat into a delicate pumpkin paste
  6. Pour into the mold covered with oatmeal base
  7. Put it into the preheated oven, fire up and down 170 degrees, bake for about 40 minutes
  8. Finally, make the decorative layer: 100g whipped cream and 10g sugar, beat to 8 for distribution, and put it into a piping bag
  9. After the cake is cooked, remove the mold and cut into small pieces
  10. Squeeze an appropriate amount of cream on top, sprinkle an appropriate amount of coconut and lemon zest

The Japanese Pumpkin Pudding Tower is done~

The pumpkin pudding tower is distinct, the bottom of the tower is restrained and low-key, and the pudding layers are golden and translucent, shining with moist luster. The cream is complemented by lemon shavings and a touch of playfulness~

Spoon it down, without resistance, as light as a cloud~

The cream is light in the mouth, the pudding is so delicate that it melts in the mouth, and the thin bottom of the tower is full of weight.

The taste of pumpkin echoes with lemon zest. It is sweet and fresh, making people love it~


  1. Pumpkins are too moist and difficult to demould, so they can be demoulded after refrigerating
  2. At the bottom of the tower, you can also use Paidi’s recipe
  3. The mold is eight inches
  4. Remember to brush the mold with oil, otherwise it will be difficult to demold

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