Peanut Melaleuca

It’s another year of peanut harvest season. Today, the girl recommends a peanut layer from the Russian people. At first glance, how does it feel a bit like the “Russian Tiramisu” of the previous few years? Yes, the method of this peanut layer is evolved from the practice of Russian tiramisu, which is one of the originators of net red. It only replaces the cracked biscuits wrapped in peanuts, the sandwich and the light cream on the periphery. Replaced with butter, after listening to my description, you will definitely say, so much butter, it must not be greasy! No, no, it ’s really not greasy at all. Compared to whipped cream, butter filling is particularly stable in summer, with rich peanuts. After refrigeration, it is fragrant but not greasy, and the aftertaste is long ~ Spike all peanut desserts ~

Peanut Melaleuca - Ultrasonic in-line cutter for biscuit sausages
Peanut Melaleuca


Cake (weight: 6 inches and 9 pieces)
Low gluten flour 400g
Fine sugar 110g
Butter 100g
Honey 42g
2 eggs
Baking powder 1g

300g butter
Condensed milk 100g
300g peeled and roasted peanuts
Biscuit trimming


① Cut the butter into pieces, add honey and fine sugar to mix well, and melt the heat insulation water.
② Add two eggs and mix well with a whisk.
③ Add low-gluten flour through a sieve and stir to form a uniform dry powder-free dough.
④ Wrap the plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. After taking it out, return it to temperature and weigh it into 9 small doughs of equal weight.
⑤ Put a piece of greased paper, cover a piece of plastic wrap on the dough, roll it with a rolling pin into a thin shape, and use a six-inch mousse ring to cut the dough into a circle. (It’s easier to roll through the plastic wrap without sticking to the rolling pin.)
⑥ Use a fork and fork hole in the middle and put it in the baking tray.
⑦ Enter the oven preheated at 200 ℃ in advance (the leftover corners are also baked together), bake for 4 to 5 minutes until the surface is slightly yellow, take out, take out the 6-inch biscuit round, and keep the other leftovers for future use.

① Roast the peanuts first, 130 degrees, roast in the middle layer for 20 minutes, peeled.
② After cooling, put it in the cooking machine, and then add the biscuits and scraps to make a powder together. The ratio is set by ourselves, we have more peanuts.
③ To make stuffed cream: Stir the butter softened to room temperature in advance until smooth.
④ Add condensed milk and continue to mix evenly.

① Put a biscuit on the bottom, smear a layer of filling cream, and sprinkle with a layer of peanut cake.
② Take the second biscuit, apply a layer of cream on the bottom for bonding, cover it down, and stack all the biscuits in sequence.
② Nine floors, get a 9-layer cake.
③ Spread a thin layer of filling cream on the top and sides of the cake, sprinkle with the mixed peanut crumbs, put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours and then take out.
★ It will be easier to take out the refrigerator and warm it up and then cut it into small pieces.

If you feel that the 9th floor is a bit high, you can also make it into 5th or 7th layer ~

Peanut Melaleuca - Ultrasonic in-line cutter for biscuit sausages
Peanut Melaleuca

Layers of peanuts, chewing, not greasy at all! Knock delicious! When asked what is such a delicious stuffed cream, they never guessed the truth.

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