Japanese Orange Cake Roll

Orange cake roll is a kind of cake that is very suitable for eating in the spring. The orange roll with its own beauty is super hot in Japan. It seems that you can smell the fresh taste of oranges across the screen. The depression is not just cream, but It is a whole orange, so its highlight is that the cut cross-section will be stunning, the appearance will be plain, and the side will be beautiful!

Japanese Orange Cake Roll -  Cut it into the beautiful every day
Japanese Orange Cake Roll

Weight 27cm * 27cm
3 eggs
60g white sugar
Low gluten flour 55g
25ml milk
Light Cream 200g
10g white sugar (cream Riga)
Small oranges 3 ~ 5 according to the size of the oranges

To do
① Prepare the ingredients, separate egg whites and whites.
② Add 30g of fine granulated sugar to the egg yolk, stir well with heat-insulating water, and send it at a temperature of 40 degrees until the color becomes lighter, and lift the egg head to draw 8 characters.
③ Add 30g of fine granulated sugar to the protein 3 times, and beat until wet foaming.
④ Take one third of the meringue into the egg yolk paste and mix well, then pour into the remaining meringue and mix well.
⑤ Sift the low-gluten flour and stir evenly, then add milk (can also be replaced with orange juice) and stir evenly.
⑥ Take out the baking sheet covered with oil paper, pour the cake paste into the baking sheet, and smooth the surface.
⑦ Bring it into the preheated oven at 180 ° C and bake for about 12 minutes. Please determine the temperature and time according to your own temper. Invert the buckle, remove the oil paper (the skin will be torn off), let it cool, and then flip it back.
⑧ Light cream and sugar until the texture is firm.
⑨ Apply a light cream to the cake.
⑩ Put a row of oranges and choose the number according to the size of the oranges.
⑪ Roll up, wrap with oil paper, and refrigerate for 2 hours.
⑫ Take it out and decorate it with whipped cream and fruit ~ It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

Japanese Orange Cake Roll -  Cut it into the beautiful every day
Japanese Orange Cake Roll

Japan’s super hot orange juice cake roll, roll the whole orange into the cake, and cut it into the fried day!

UFM6000 ultrasonic food cutting machine cake roll cutting