How to Make Orange Cake

Orange cake, also known as orange cake, or Kyrgyzstan cake. It is a traditional cake in the southern Fujian and Jiangnan regions. Its shape is clear and transparent, and the Q is delicious. The ingredients contain oranges or kumquats, which is a traditional practice. Kyrgyzstan cake also means “big luck”, so in the south of Fujian, Kyrgyzstan cake is an indispensable food for wedding banquet. It is also the childhood memory of many people in these areas. It is regarded as a “net red cake” for grandpas ~

Traditional orange red cake must have kumquat cake, kumquat candied or sugared, faded green acid but retain the fragrance, and mixed with glutinous rice has a unique sweet taste.

Orange cake, also known as orange cake, or Kyrgyzstan cake. It is a traditional cake in the southern Fujian and Jiangnan regions. Its shape is clear and transparent, and the Q is delicious. The ingredients contain oranges or kumquats, which is a traditional practice. Kyrgyzstan cake also means “big luck”, so in the south of Fujian, Kyrgyzstan cake is an indispensable food for wedding banquet. It is also the childhood memory of many people in these areas. It is regarded as a “net red cake” for grandpas ~

Traditional orange red cake must have kumquat cake, kumquat candied or sugared, faded green acid but retain the fragrance, and mixed with glutinous rice has a unique sweet taste.

How to Make Orange Cake - How to Cut Orange Cake - Cheersonic
How to Make Orange Cake

The orange-red cakes in Jiangsu and Zhejiang also have rose sauce, rose orange flavor, and strong flavor. There are also mints in orange cakes in Linhai area, which are cool and sweet, and there is usually a small red dot in the middle of the finished product ~

How to Make Orange Cake - How to Cut Orange Cake - Cheersonic
How to Make Orange Cake

In addition to the sweetness and tenderness of the tangerine cake, Qingjin is delicious and popular with everyone, it is also because the orange peel or kumquat has the effects of strengthening the stomach and reducing phlegm and anti-inflammatory, and it has a lot of medical effects. The people in the cake specialty area, long famous, also tried to make orange red cakes with the materials available at hand. It feels very easy to make at home. Try it ~


Water-milled glutinous rice flour 150g (add some stir-fried hand flour)
Sugar candied kumquat (10 pcs) / wild candied citrus (10 pcs) / skin peel (8g) / fresh kumquat (10 pcs)
Red yeast rice powder 1g
120g warm water
Fine granulated sugar (white granulated sugar can also be replaced with cotton sugar)

★ The sweetness of orange red cakes comes from candied kumquats, so choosing kumquats with different sweetness directly determines the amount of sugar to be added. There are usually enough sugar in the candied fruit on the market, so you can add a small amount. The rind and fresh kumquat need to be added with sugar to taste. The sugar we add is moderate, and you can add it according to your preference.

White sugar candied kumquat + 10g white granulated sugar
Wild candied citrus + 10g white sugar
Chen Pei + 60g caster sugar
New Fresh Kumquat + 60g caster sugar

★ If you have homemade candied kumquat sauce, it’s better, but most people definitely don’t have anything at home, either you can buy commercially available white sugar candied kumquat, or green citrus cold fruit, it’s okay without the skin. , Even if it is a snack version of Chenpi, if you happen to have fresh kumquats, anyway, we can buy everything except candied kumquat sauce. Everyone chooses according to the materials they can get ~

To do

Fresh Kumquat Edition

① Wash the fresh kumquat, cut it in the middle, put it in the pot, pour a little water (about 100g), add white sugar and stir well.
② Cook over high heat and reduce to low heat. Cook until the kumquat is transparent and soft, and the water is thick. When it is almost jam-like, turn off the heat.
③ Break with a blender.
④ Take 120g kumquat sauce and add it to raw glutinous rice flour, and then add red yeast rice powder for coloring.
⑤ Stir until thick without dry powder. Different brands of glutinous rice flour have different water absorption properties, so you can look at it wet and dry, dry it, and wet it, the difference is obvious when shaping, but the taste is not affected.
⑥ Pour the batter into a stainless steel or heat-conducting container (grease on the surface), heat the pot on high heat and steam for about 15 minutes. You can increase the time appropriately according to your mold and the thickness of the plate to ensure that it is cooked.
★ Check if it is cooked through the bottom of the tool to see if it is transparent and free of dry powder.
Stir-fry the glutinous rice flour as the hand flour.
⑧Steamed orange cake, sprinkle with hand powder, shape it while it is hot (it is not good to shape it when it’s cold), roll and cut into small pieces at will, you can also roll out, round, cut into pieces, like hawthorn roll duck ~

How to Make Orange Cake - How to Cut Orange Cake - Cheersonic
How to Make Orange Cake

Is it particularly simple? If you use candied fruit, it is even simpler ~

Kumquat candied version

① Kumquat preserves are chopped and added to glutinous rice flour. Those who do not like to eat seeds can be removed.
② Add a few drops of orange natural pigment to the glutinous rice flour. The pigment is added to distinguish it from other kinds. You can also add or not add red yeast rice powder.
③ Put warm water, sugar, stir well, put in a container and steam over high heat. (This one adds a little water for testing and is a bit dry, but the finished product is okay to eat ~ But it is recommended to ensure the amount of water, and the skin will be more moist.)
④ Spread hand powder while hot, round and cut into pieces.

Wild Citrus Candied Edition
★ The method is the same as the kumquat candied version, except that the candied fruit is chopped and put into warm water, and then mixed together, without coloring, completely white. Meng Meng Da ~

①Cinnamon is washed clean and thoroughly soaked with water.
② After soaking, cut the rind into glutinous rice flour, add white granulated sugar, and finally pour 120g of rind water, stir evenly until there is no dry powder.
③ In order to distinguish the colors, one is divided into two, one original color, and one is added with red yeast rice powder. After mixing well, put in two bowls and steam over high heat for 15 minutes.
④ Spread the powder, roll out the white, round the red, and wrap the red with the white, cut quickly, or just mix the colors and cut round.

How to Make Orange Cake - How to Cut Orange Cake - Cheersonic
How to Make Orange Cake

With so many orange cakes, do you plan to cut them yourself? It is better to use fully automatic equipment to free your hands.

Ultrasonic candy cutter – CHEERSONIC UFM5000