How To Cut Baklava

How To Cut Baklava – Dough Cutter Machine – Cheersonic

Baklava —— Middle Eastern Pastry

Baklava is a special sweet mostly in Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Levant and the broader Middle East, along with South Caucasus, Balkans, the Maghreb and Central Asia.

Although the history of baklava is not well documented, its current form was probably developed in the imperial kitchens of the Topkapı Palace in Istanbul. The Sultan presented trays of baklava to the Janissaries every 15th of the month of Ramadan in a ceremonial procession called the Baklava Alay

How To Cut Baklava - Dough Cutter Machine - Cheersonic

In different countries and regions, the flavor and recipes of baklava vary.

In Turkey, baklava is traditionally made by filling between the layers of dough with pistachios, walnuts or almonds (in some parts of the Aegean Region).

The city of Gaziantep in southeast Turkey is famous for its pistachio baklava.

Armenian pakhlava is spiced with cinnamon and cloves.

Greek-style baklava is supposed to be made with 33 dough layers, referring to the years of Christ’s life.

How To Cut Baklava - Dough Cutter Machine - Cheersonic

In Iranian cuisine, a drier version of baklava is cooked and presented in smaller diamond-shaped cuts flavored with rose water.

In Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, Iraqi, Egyptian, Israeli and Palestinian cuisines, baklava prepared from phyllo dough sheets, butter, walnuts and sugar syrup is cut into lozenge-shaped pieces.

But usually, Baklava is served at room temperature, and is often garnished with ground nuts. It is easy for common people to make at home!

Baklava is normally prepared in large pans. Many layers of filo dough,separated with melted butter and vegetable oil, are laid in the pan. A layer of chopped nuts— typically  walnuts or pistachios, but hazelnuts are also sometimes used — is placed on top, then more layers of filo. Most recipes have multiple layers of filo and nuts, though some have only top and bottom pastry.

After baking, a syrup, which may include honey, rosewater, or orange flower water is poured over the cooked baklava and allowed to soak in.

How To Cut Baklava - Dough Cutter Machine - Cheersonic

However, before baking (180 °C, 356 °F, 30 minutes), the dough is supposed to cut into regular pieces, often parallelograms (lozenge-shaped), triangles, diamonds or rectangles. Generally, the dough is cut in the tray.

With the tray, it is not easy to cut, the blade width should be no more than the shortest side of the dough. And the cutting edge should be smooth to offer a more perfect look after being baked. Thus, the normal cutter would not be the optimal choice, for it would make the cutting edge roughly. Ultrasonic cutter with the vibration of 20,000 times per second, is able to slice the dough much smoothly and each layer of baklava would be complete and excellent.

Sometimes the baklava is also cut out of the pan after baking. At that moment, it is a little sticky, and the top layer is crisp. Ultrasonic cutter then is an amazing solution.

Cheersonic makes automated cutting solutions for most kinds of baked food according to customers’ demand. Ultrasonic cutting technology is advanced. We quickly adjust the size of the machine blades, and quickly cut the baklava into slices with the specified size and shapes you want it to be. The most important benefit is ultrasonic High-quality aesthetics brought by cutting.

Try the baklava! Try ultrasonic cutting