Carrot Cream Cake Roll

When shopping, I saw vegetable cake rolls in organic stores, combining various vegetables and fruits with cake rolls. In addition to common pumpkin, sweet potato, purple potato and other flavors, there are spinach, carrot and wolfberry flavored health cakes, the price is not It ’s cheap, but you can make it yourself at home. For example, this soft carrot cake roll does n’t taste fishy, ​​but you can taste a little maltose pickled shredded radish. It is especially suitable for children who do n’t like vegetables. It’s just simple animal cream, which highlights and enhances the taste of the cake. In fact, it was originally made for children at home, but it is praised because it is too soft and the roll is not cracked. This is a cake that even toothless old ladies like. Roll ~ It’s the highest praise for this cake, you must try it ~

Carrot Cream Cake Roll - Cut the slices - Cheersonic
Carrot Cream Cake Roll


Cake body
Unsalted butter 40g
50g milk
Carrot shreds 30g
Maltose 8g
Low gluten powder 60g
1 whole egg
3 egg yolks
3 egg whites
1/2 tsp lemon juice
Granulated sugar 60g

Light cream 170g
Granulated sugar 20g
Almond slices


① Wipe the carrots with small shreds, squeeze the water and add maltose, mix well and marinate for 15 minutes.
② Sift the flour and set aside.
③ The egg yolk protein is separated, and a whole egg and three egg yolks are mixed to form an egg yolk liquid. At this time, the egg whites can be sealed in the refrigerator and refrigerated.
④ Put the butter and milk into the milk pan, heat it on low heat until it foams on the side of the pan, and leave the fire after rolling.
⑤ Add the sifted powder to the hot milk pan at one time, mix well, and mix into a particle-free dough.
⑥ Move the dough into another basin. After the temperature is slightly lowered, the egg yolk liquid is added 4-5 times, wait for the absorption and then add the next time, until the batter is bright and thick without particles.
⑦ Add carrot shreds to batter, mix well.
⑧ Ice protein + lemon juice, add fine sugar in three times, beat until wet foaming, can pull out a small hook ~
⑨ Take 1/3 of meringue to egg yolk paste, mix well, then pour into remaining meringue, mix well
⑩ Spread greased paper on the baking tray, pour the cake batter into the baking tray from a high place, then smooth the surface with a scraper, shake the tray, put it in the preheated 160 ℃ oven, bake 29-30 After being out of the oven for a minute, put it on a wire rack and tear off the surrounding oil paper.
⑪ Cover with baking paper on the surface, tear off the bottom oil paper after inversion, and then invert to the front, waiting for cooling
⑫ Whipped cream + granulated sugar is firmed.
Cut the slices diagonally on both sides, wipe in 3/4 amount of light cream, a little more at the beginning, and a little thinner at the end. After rolling, if there is a hard cardboard, you can wrap it for shaping and put it in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes.
⑭ Take it out, squeeze the decorated cream on the surface of the cake roll and cover it with roasted almond slices, refrigerate it for about 20 minutes and then slice it to eat ~

Carrot Cream Cake Roll - Cut the slices - Cheersonic

Super soft and moist, no cracking, good rolls, not only can the children eat more vegetables, but also enhance the flavor of the cake rolls, make the aftertaste rich, with almond slices cream ~ want to stop ~ and only Soft and moist without cracking, it can already conquer everyone in the family ~

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