Boat Matcha Cheese Tart

Matcha cheese cake is added to the green matcha boat to make a matcha boat tart full of fresh tea! It is a dessert that matcha lovers love ~
In addition to the fresh taste, the combination of light green and white also makes people feel very pleasing, and it will definitely be the “good heart” of Yan control ~

Boat Matcha Cheese Tart - Inline Slicing Machine - Cheersonic
Boat Matcha Cheese Tart


Tart skin (mold: length 14cm; width 4.5cm; height 2.5cm or length 17cm; width 14.4cm; height 1.5cm; weight: two)
Butter 25g
Icing sugar 20g
Salt 1 ~ 2g
Egg yolk 8g
Almond kernel powder 12g
Matcha powder 3g
Low gluten flour 47g

Tart filling
Cream cheese 80g
Granulated sugar 35g
Original yogurt 40g
Light cream 40g
Whole egg 40g
Corn starch 8g
Matcha powder 8g

White decoration
Light cream 30g
Granulated sugar 5g

Green decoration
Light cream 30g
Matcha Chocolate 30g


① The butter is softened to room temperature in advance, add fine sugar and salt, and mix well.
② Pour the egg yolk and continue to mix.
★ One egg yolk is about 15g, here you need 8g, that is half an egg yolk.
③ Sift in low gluten flour, almond kernel powder, and matcha tea powder in turn, and mix well.
④ After mixing until the material is fused, pour it onto oiled paper, lay another sheet, roll it to a thickness of about 5mm with a rolling pin, and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
★ The finished tart skin should be put in the refrigerator flat, otherwise the tapi is easy to crack, you can put a flat plate under it.
⑤ You can start making tart filling during cold storage and pour cream cheese softened in advance in a bowl.
⑥ After stirring for a few minutes, pour in sugar, plain yogurt and light cream and continue to stir.
⑦ After stirring until the texture shown in the figure appears, pour the egg yolk solution and continue to stir.
⑧ Pour the corn starch and matcha powder through a sieve (if you think there is too much matcha powder, you can reduce it by 2g) and continue to stir until the ingredients are fused.
⑨ At this time, take out the refrigerated tart skin, put it in the tower mold (the tower skin should be compacted when it is put in the tower mold), cut off the corners, and then use the fork to point the small hole to prevent it Swell.
⑩ Pour the prepared tart filling into the preheated oven at 180 ℃ for 25 ~ 30 minutes. After roasting, put it to a stable position and remove it by flipping it upside down.
⑪ Began to make decorative cream, light cream and sugar to send to 8 distribution, put it in a decorative bag for use.
★ Because the summer weather is hot, you can wait for the tart to cool before making the decoration. If you make it in advance, you should put the whipped cream into the refrigerator for use.
⑫ Matcha chocolate melts in water.
⑬ Add the whipped whipped cream after cooling (it is best to refrigerate in summer), mix well, put in a decorative bag and set aside.
⑭ Start decorating with white cream.
★ The tarts must be cooled to room temperature before they start decorating.
⑮ Add green decorating and you are done!
★ Cream is easy to make in summer. If it is not ready to eat immediately after finishing the flowers, please put it in the refrigerator and keep it in time ~

UFM3500L Inline Ultrasonic Slicing Machine – Cheersonic