Crispy Nut Tower

Crispy Nut Tower – Bakery Goods Cutting Equipment – Cheersonic

Nuts have a satisfying magic. Today’s Crispy Nut Tart is to put sugar, butter, and honey in a thick-bottomed pot, boil on low heat, and then stir with nuts. Be careful not to let a nut fall during the whole process. It’s time for an extra meal, consider this crispy~

Crispy Nut Tower - Bakery Goods Cutting Equipment - Cheersonic

I ate too much sweet, today I made a spicy one besides the sweet one, I hope you like it~



Low-gluten flour 200g / butter 90g /
45g powdered sugar / 25g egg liquid / 1g salt

Maple flavored nuts:

Maple syrup (honey) 25g /
Butter 25g / Sugar (can be reduced) 15g /
Mixed nuts 220g / salt 0.25g

Spicy Nuts:

25g honey / 25g butter /
Sugar (can be reduced) 15g / Comprehensive nuts 220g /
Salt 0.25 g / crushed chili 2 g / crushed pepper 1 g


  1. Prepare the nuts in advance, with a total of 220 grams of one flavor. I matched this comprehensive nut by myself. I randomly matched some almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnut kernels, macadamia nuts, cranberries, just what I had at home~
  2. Pour all the nuts except cranberries into the baking dish.
  3. Put it into the preheated oven and bake at 130°C for 30-40 minutes. You can turn it slightly in the middle, and the nuts can be cooked one day in advance.
  4. The butter is softened in advance. In cold weather, you can use the oven fermentation function to soften it, or you can use a fermentation box, hair dryer, etc.
  5. The butter is softened until the fingers can easily poke holes. When the oven is turned on, the fermentation will soften quickly, and it will be ready in about 20 minutes, and it will not be uneven like making hot water or microwave ovens.
  6. Add in the cooking machine: softened butter, low-gluten flour, egg liquid, powdered sugar, salt.
  7. Just make it into such a fine sand shape.
  8. Pour on the countertop.
  9. Rub back and forth with your hands. With the help of your hands, the dough will be more even. If the house is too cold, it will take a long time to rub, so you can turn on a small sun to shine on your hands.
  10. Knead into a smooth dough.
  11. One piece of baking grease paper on top and bottom.
  12. Roll the rolling pin back and forth.
  13. The rod is made into a dough piece with a uniform thickness of about 3 mm.
  14. Take out a fork to pierce the hole, and then send it to the refrigerator to lie down and freeze for 15-20 minutes. (The holes are made to bake and expand without deformation)
  15. Take it out from the refrigerator and engrave the circle (6.5 wide).
  16. Put it on the mold and try to put it in the middle. (Yes, it’s 12 cake sharpeners, it’s upside down)
  17. The leftovers can be rolled out again, pierced, frozen, engraved…repeat the above actions. If there is too little in the back, let’s just rub it and bake it and eat it or save it for next time.
  18. Put in the preheated oven and bake at 175 degrees for 15 minutes. No matter what you do, preheat the oven in advance, and keep good habits. Turn on hot air when preheating, the temperature will rise faster and more evenly~
  19. Come out. Put it on for two minutes and it won’t be so hot, and it will release with a light push. It won’t stick. It breaks easily when it is hot.
  20. Add maple syrup (honey), butter, sugar, and salt to the pot.
  21. Cook on low heat until caramel color, dense small bubbles appear.
  22. Pour in the nuts prepared in advance and quickly stir evenly, so that each nut is coated with syrup.
  23. Start another pot: maple syrup (honey), butter, sugar, and salt into the pot.
  24. Prepare 2 grams of crushed pepper and 1 gram of crushed pepper.
    Picture 25. Mix well with the second pot of syrup.
  25. Add nuts and stir well.
  26. Wear gloves, put the nuts on top of the tapioca, and use a spoon.
  27. Put in the oven and turn on hot air at 150 degrees for 5-8 minutes. The nuts and tower shells are cooked, this step is just to heat up, so that the nuts and tower shells are intimately combined. So, it doesn’t matter if you have two layers, the hot air can accelerate the air circulation.
    29, come out~
Crispy Nut Tower - Bakery Goods Cutting Equipment - Cheersonic

Towers are best eaten quickly, but prepping the product for customers can be done fast too, streamlining the cutting process while ensuring consistent and accurate slices. Ultrasonic blades are used to slice more delicate and fancy creations. Whatever the tool, using a machine to portion cakes ensures that everyone gets the same size slice of the cake, we don’t want any hurt feelings!