Black Sesame Cake

Horseshoe cakes have become more popular in recent years. There are endless layers of horseshoe cakes in various types of coconut milk. So many people often have some horseshoe powder in their homes. But do you know what else you can do other than horseshoe cakes? The answer is black sesame cake, and black sesame rolls. It’s autumn, and the “care” for health and autumn supplements is about to start ~

Black Sesame Cake - What cutting equipment can cut both Cake and Roll
Black Sesame Cake

Make some black sesame cakes and rolls, delicious and healthy. Black sesame has multiple health effects such as nourishing blood, moisturizing, nourishing yin, nourishing hair, nourishing toil, and moisturizing the skin. The horseshoe also has the functions of clearing heat and reducing phlegm, and accumulating and moisturizing the throat. The light and sweet taste is suitable for the dry and angry autumn and winter. Particularly mentioned is the black sesame cake. The flavor of sesame is particularly strong under the “help” of sesame oil, which is very suitable for people who like the taste of black sesame. The black sesame roll is a refreshing texture. Everyone according to their preference Feel free to choose ~

Black Sesame Cake - What cutting equipment can cut both Cake and Roll
Black Sesame Cake

Black sesame cake

Horseshoe Powder 170g
Water 900ml
Granulated sugar 365g
75ml milk
150g black sesame
Sesame oil 37g

To do
① Open the pan over low heat and fry the raw black sesame seeds.
② Put the fried black sesame seeds into the blender, pour in water, and use high speed to make sesame water.
③ Take a bowl, pour half the amount of black sesame water, add horseshoe powder, pour milk, and stir constantly. Because the horseshoe powder has a certain graininess, make sure to stir well.
④ Pour the remaining half of the black sesame water into the milk pan, add white granulated sugar, heat over medium heat to dissolve the white granulated sugar, and boil.
⑤ Pour the cooked black sesame slurry into the half of the unheated black sesame powder slurry, stir quickly, and cook until it becomes a semi-cooked powder slurry.
⑥ Generally, the cooked half-boiled pulp is relatively thin. Such powdered pulp may have precipitation or even water, so it should be poured into a milk pan and heated until the water evaporates. Pour in sesame oil and stir well.
⑦Pour the relatively thick black sesame powder slurry into the prepared square mold. Put a layer of oil on the mold beforehand to prevent sticking, put it in a steamer and steam for 45 minutes on high heat.
Let it cool out of the pan, refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours before demoulding, cut into pieces, and you can eat it ~

Black Sesame Cake - What cutting equipment can cut both Cake and Roll
Black Sesame Cake

Very strong black sesame flavor, taste is a little Q cake, if you like black sesame very much, this will definitely make you stop eating ~

Black sesame rolls

Black Sesame Cake - What cutting equipment can cut both Cake and Roll
Black sesame rolls

Cooked black sesame powder 100g
Horseshoe powder 100g
Corn starch 20g
Clear powder 20g
1 tablespoon sesame oil (sesame oil)
Single crystal rock candy 90g
Water 570ml

To do
① Boil the sugar with 200ml of water.
② Add horseshoe flour, clear noodles, black sesame flour, corn starch, and sesame oil (sesame oil) to the pot. Pour the remaining water and stir together to form a smooth paste.
③ Quickly pour the boiled sugar water into the sesame paste that has been stirred and mix well. Sesame flour is rough. It is best to sieve once and remove the coarse particles to make them smooth.
④ It is best to have a rectangular plate, but our rectangular plate cannot fit in the steamer, so we have to use a round stainless steel plate. After preparing the mold, pour a thin layer of sesame pulp inside and steam for 3 minutes over high heat (note that it must be thin so that it can be easily rolled tight). The steamed plate is cool, it is difficult to roll up when it is hot, and it will leave fingerprints. Don’t worry. If you are in a hurry, you can place the pan in cold water to accelerate cooling. After cooling down, roll up the sesame slices by hand and cut into lengths suitable for consumption.

Black Sesame Cake - What cutting equipment can cut both Cake and Roll
Black sesame rolls

Sweet black sesame flavor, refreshing teeth, sesame roll is one of the first banquets in Manhan. Usually, the sesame roll will roll seven times. If the steaming equipment is not selected, it will not be rolled seven.

What cutting equipment can cut both Cake and Roll?