Red Velvet Chiffon Cake

The simplest and best way to eat chiffon cake is to drizzle chocolate Ganash, topped with fruit, and make a cup of coffee! Among the chiffon cakes, my favorite is the hollow chimney cake. When the cake cracks in the mold in the oven, the depressed mood will disappear …

Red Velvet Chiffon Cake
Red Velvet Chiffon Cake


4 eggs
Corn oil 40g
45g warm milk
Low-gluten flour 72g
Red yeast rice powder 8g
Granulated sugar 65g
150g white chocolate
100g light cream


  1. Add milk to warm water, pour 10g granulated sugar, mix until sugar melts
  2. Pour in corn oil
  3. Spread egg yolks in 2 portions and mix well
  4. Mix the low powder and red yeast rice powder through a sieve, pour into the egg yolk paste, and mix until there is no dry powder.
  5. Beat the egg whites into a clean water-free, oil-free eggbeater. Add 2 to 3 drops of lemon juice and a little salt. Add the remaining sugar to the egg whites 3 times and pass them to dry foaming.
  6. Mix egg whites and yolk paste in 3 times, turn up and down and mix well
  7. Pour the cake paste into a 6-inch hollow bottom cake mold and gently shake the bubbles
  8. Preheat the oven at 170 ° C for about 35 minutes.
  9. Release the buckle and let it cool
  10. Heat the whipped cream to 60 degrees, add white chocolate coins, and stir until the chocolate melts.
  11. Place chocolate kannasu to about 35 degrees, lightly sprinkle the spoon on the cake, and place a few blueberries for decoration